Cheers to a New Year!

The Best Wines To Ringin The New Year

Traditionally, January is a slow month for many people and businesses as they recover from the holidays. Winter firmly settles in and we begin the long, slow slog towards spring. Resolutions are made, and usually fall by the wayside. The days are short, the skies gray, and the weather dreadful. With Martin Luther King Day (Jan. 16 this year) being the only major holiday in the month, January can be rather quiet.

There are other important days in the first month of the year, but unless you celebrate Fruitcake Toss Day (Jan. 3), Peculiar People Day (Jan. 10) or National Kazoo Day (Jan. 28) there’s not a lot of festivity to be had in January.

With New Year’s Day falling on Sunday in 2017, most people had an extra day Monday to recuperate and recover from the midnight champagne toast. The memory of the “morning after” is still fresh in their minds, so now is a good time to remind your customers that wine makes an excellent “hair of the dog”. Both reds and whites can be used as the base for non-liquor Bloody Marys (thank you, Internet, for all those lovely recipes just a search away) and of course no brunch is ever complete without a mimosa or six.

Best of all, January is de facto National Detox Month, and the kind souls at Vinepair have already corrupted several detox recipes with liquors ( There’s no reason these mixtures can’t be tweaked with wine just as easily. The dirty little secret of detoxing is that it’s by-and-large junk science (, so why not enjoy yourself? Moderate wine consumption has well-documented medical benefits–as you may need to remind those who give you a hard time for not observing #Drynuary.

Once you have your wine-detox drink firmly in hand, think about how your winery will grow and prosper in the coming year. If new construction or remodeling is part of that growth, Sierra View is there to help you from planning through ribbon-cutting. Unlike detox, Sierra View is effective, delivering quality design and construction on time and within budget. You won’t have any “morning after” regrets if you call Sierra View!

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